Okay, so let me introduce myself to those who may not know me. My name is Ashleigh (my nickname is B, hence the bumblebee in the logo) and I am an actress in Los Angeles. I am newly married to my amazing husband, Barrett who is my quality control and most honest reviewer! I love having a good time, making memories & whiskey- wait this isn't that kind of site... Back to the real reason for the blog. Recently I have dived more into the world of cooking and baking which I have loved since I was a child.
I was not your typical kid, on Saturday mornings instead of cartoons I was racing down the stair to watch Julia Child!
I am not sure where this passion came from. Don't get me wrong both my parents can cook (but don't let my mom know I told you that). However, neither have a true passion for baking. I guess I get that from my dad's mom, my Mémère (Grandmother in French). Mémère was a wonderful baker! She would make all of our birthday cakes growing up, all I would need to do is show her a picture of the character I wanted and there it was on my cake. Not only did she do birthdays but she also did a lot of family wedding cakes! Besides working as a baker she also worked as a florist and was pretty crafty. I guess she would have to be pretty creative raising 5 boys!
A little more family history:
My grandpa, her husband was an electrician, while I would love to explore that think I will leave that to my Uncle B and little cousin B ;) It's all, you guys!
On my mom's side: My Avó (Grandmother in Portuguese) was a SEAMSTRESS EXTRAORDINAIRE! She was also pretty crafty making crochet blankets and drawing. She always said her true passion was to be a carpenter but since she was a woman growing up in a particular time period her choice was to work in the factory- luckily for her, she was great at it! I know if she was still around she would have wanted to be on Project Runway! Her mother was a housewife and raised a large family and her dad aside from being an entrepreneur owing many apartment homes was a beer & liquor maker. For my Avô (Grandfather in Portuguese) he was a Navy man. After WWII he worked to support his family mostly working for the state. His father (my great grandfather, so my bisavô in Portuguese) was a fireman on the Old Fall River Line which was a ship that went between Fall River, MA, and Long Island, NY. He also was a fireman in hospitals (and by fireman I mean literally the man in charge of stocking the fire) but his true passion was wine- which is something we already share a passion for!
Now my parents are also pretty creative themselves. My mother has been involved with Acting, Advertising, Real Estate, Teaching, Managing, and even was crafty herself especially with Photography & Macrame (hey it was the 70's and I think she even made a bathing suit lol)!
My dad is my very own MacGyver creating something out of nothing and always finding a second use for things!
So what is this about? This blog will mainly be my journey with baking but I will not hold myself to just that- if I get the itch for something different I might just share sewing, crochet, or other crafty projects on here!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it!