If you are anything like myself fall means baking season has begun! Although, let's be honest for me it never really goes away...
So with the time change and season change I decided to try my hand at a brand new recipe and I can tell you it was a HUGE success! This chocolate chip pumpkin pound cake was decadent! If you are a lover of pumpkin spice and chocolate then this is the recipe for you!
Below is the recipe I found while searching the web for new fun recipes to try.
Here are my adjustments to the recipe below:
I used King Arthur All Purpose Flour vs Gold Medal (you could use any All Purpose Flour you have in your pantry)
Add the 1 and 1/4 cup of chocolate chips to the batter
Add additional chips on the top to sprinkle (a handful or two will do).
If you don't want the cake loaded with chips, I would cut back to 1 cup of chocolate chips and then just a sprinkling on top.
I would absolutely make this cake again and again. And trust me you will have MORE than enough to share with friends and neighbors!
The above picture is mine and the one below is the official photo. Not to pat myself on the back (but to do exactly that) I think I did a pretty good job!

Happy Baking!